The provides comprehensive care to help women achieve optimal health, wellbeing, and an overall sense of wellness. At our clinic, we take a holistic approach focused on hormone balance, nutrition, fitness, and addressing the mind-body connection.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

An imbalance of key hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in women can cause wide-ranging symptoms. Being attuned to your body and recognizing these deficiency signs is the first step toward getting the treatment you need.

Our Services

Physical Symptoms

* Irregular or heavy periods * Hot flashes and night sweats * Vaginal dryness * Low libido * Bladder issues like incontinence * Difficulty sleeping * Weight gain and slowed metabolism * Thinning hair and skin

Emotional Changes

* Mood swings * Irritability, anxiety or sadness * Difficulty concentrating * Reduced motivation

Why Hormones Become Imbalanced

There are many factors that cause hormone levels to fluctuate and fall out of balance, such as:

  • Perimenopause and menopause
  • Pregnancy, postpartum, and breastfeeding
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Chronic stress
  • Poor diet, lack of exercise
  • Environmental toxin exposure

Getting a blood test can help determine exactly which hormones are deficient or not functioning optimally.

Benefits of Balanced Hormones and Wellness Care

Getting hormones back into balance and making lifestyle changes to support wellness can lead to profound improvements in vitality, health, and quality of life.

Regain Comfort in Your Body

Relieving uncomfortable menopause symptoms allows you to get back to feeling like yourself. With balanced hormones, disruptive symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, insomnia, and more can fade away so you can get restful sleep and reconnect with your sensuality.

Reignite Your Passion for Life

With hormones in harmony, inner spark and outer glow return. You'll have the energy and inspiration needed to engage fully in relationships, activities, and experiences you're passionate about without hormone-related mood swings, brain fog, or fatigue getting in your way.

Renew Body and Mind

Scientific research shows balanced hormones can help: * Boost immunity * Support heart health * Strengthen bones * Improve skin elasticity * Prevent weight gain * Enhance metabolism * Increase lean muscle mass * Sharpen memory and mental clarity * Lift depression and anxiety * Protect vision and eye health

Key Benefits Summary Table

Physical Emotional Whole Self
Reduce hot flashes Improve mood Increase motivation
Ease joint pain Lessen anxiety Boost self-confidence
Build bone density Brighten outlook Strengthen focus
Improve bladder control Lift depression Sharpen memory recall
Increase muscle mass Regulate sleep Heighten pleasure and intimacy
Heighten libido Restore inner calm Slow aging overall

"When my hormones became balanced through the care I received here, I had so much more energy and zest for life. I felt confident, strong, and happy again - like my best self." - Sarah Johnson, age 52

Restore balance, reignite passion. Visit today.

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Basics of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can be life-changing for those with a hormone deficiency. BHRT restores hormones to optimal levels using plant-derived hormones identical in molecular structure to those naturally produced in the body.

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones have a chemical makeup exactly matching human hormones but are sourced from plants such as yams and soy rather than synthetic materials. This allows them to bind perfectly with existing hormone receptors and mimic the activity of hormones made in the ovaries and adrenal glands.

How are They Administered?

BHRT can be customized to your needs and dosed specifically based on lab testing. Hormones are delivered via: * Oral capsules - Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone * Creams - Progesterone, testosterone, DHEA applied to skin * Vaginal inserts - Localized estrogen for urogenital tissue * Pellets - Tiny implants inserted under the skin lasting 3-6 months

Patches, gels, and sprays can also effectively administer hormones through the skin. Finding the method that's most convenient and comfortable for your lifestyle is key.

Comparing Hormone Replacement Options

Form Pros Cons
Oral capsules Easy to use Metabolized through digestive system, so doses may need adjusting
Creams Can target specific body areas Must remember frequent application
Vaginal inserts Provide localized relief Only supply estrogen, not a full spectrum
Patches Simple; changed twice weekly Can irritate skin
Pellets Steady hormones over 3-6 months Insertion procedure required

"I chose a pellet implant so I didn't have to think about taking something every day. I'm busy with work and family, so this works best for my on-the-go lifestyle." - Emily Williams, age 49

Importance of Timely Treatment

It's crucial to have declining hormones balanced soon after symptoms develop rather than waiting months or years. Early optimization of hormones offers protective health benefits and can slow aging, whereas prolonged deficiency can negatively impact wellbeing.

Health Protective Effects

* Preserving bone density fights osteoporosis * Reducing heart disease and stroke risk * Supporting healthy neurological and immune function * Maintaining muscle mass and joint flexibility

Impact of Prolonged Deficiency

* Accelerated aging throughout the body * Higher risk of weight gain and obesity * Increased frailty and falls as we age * Greater likelihood of metabolic disorders * Higher incidence of anxiety, depression

Getting tested quickly when symptoms arise and starting treatment without delay is vital. We monitor your hormone levels carefully over time and continually customize your therapy to match what your body needs for full restoration.

Trusted Expert Care

What sets apart is our compassionate, evidence-based approach focused on your unique needs for revitalized wellbeing and our depth of specialized expertise in age management medicine.

Why Choose Us?

At , we: * Develop customized care plans * Use a high-precision Comprehensive Hormone Panel lab test to uncover deficiencies * Prescribe high-quality pharmaceutical-grade hormones from trusted compounding pharmacies * Show you how to optimize diet, movement, and mindset to improve hormonal health * Are highly trained in functional and regenerative therapies * Offer family-centered care that acknowledges life stage stressors * Have over 15 years of collective experience practicing age management medicine * Stay up to date on the latest medical research * Treat you like family

Meet Your Care Team

Our practitioners have received advanced training from the Age Management Medicine Group and are board-certified in age management specialty care. We continually deepen our expertise through conferences, medical journal reviews, and industry networks.

Dr. Emily Thompson, MD, takes time to listen attentively and gently guide you on your path to renewed health and wellness. Her wisdom, competence, and compassion are unmatched.

Nurse Sarah Wilson, APRN, draws on her background in counseling and women's health to address all aspects of your care for complete healing. Her calm presence and intuition provide reassurance.

What Patients Say About Us

Our patients describe us as partners in their health journey who provide education, emotional support, prompt symptom relief, and ongoing fine-tuning as life changes arise.

"You cared enough to figure out what was really going on with my body while treating me as a whole person." – Amanda Smith, age 56

"Even when I had lots of questions in the beginning and worried about minor side effects, you patiently answered all of my concerns without judgment." - Jessica Davis, age 47

strives to make hormone balance and wellness accessible, understandable, and achievable so you can thrive! Contact us today to discuss your symptoms and health goals.

Conclusion: At , we understand the significant impact hormone imbalances can have on a woman's overall well-being. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing personalized, comprehensive care to help you regain hormonal balance and achieve optimal health. We offer a range of bioidentical hormone replacement therapies tailored to your unique needs, along with guidance on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle modifications to support your wellness journey. With our compassionate and evidence-based approach, we strive to empower you to reclaim your vitality and embrace a fulfilling, vibrant life.

Restore health, vitality, and passion - contact us today!

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